PHD, International collaborator
Amandeep Dhir obtained his first PhD in Psychology from the University of Helsinki and second PhD (DSc) in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from Aalto University, Finland. He has developed and taught several bachelors, masters and doctoral level courses for institutions based in India, Taiwan, Finland, Namibia, South Africa, UAE, Saudi Arabia. Amandeep has also done extensive teaching of master and doctoral students and taught subjects related to IT/IS/Marketing/research methodology.
Amandeep is very active in publishing and so far has successfully published 60 high-quality journal articles (SSCI/ISI/SSI indexed). His work has appeared in different leading publishing forums, including International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Food Quality and Preferences, Appetite, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Health Promotion International, Computers in Human Behaviour, New Media & Society, Computers & Education, Social Science in Computer Review, Online Information Review, Telematics and Informatics, and Frontiers in Psychology.