
The Digital Economy and Society (DES) research group has published a variety of publications on different topics such as behavior in virtual worlds, use of analytics and big data in game companies and dark side of digitalization.

You may take a look at our featured publications or browse the full list of publications below.


Laine J., Minkkinen M. and Mäntymäki M. (2024). Ethics-based AI auditing: A systematic literature review on conceptualizations of ethical principles and knowledge contributions to stakeholders. Information & management, Vol. 61 (5) Link to publication


Minkkinen M. and Mäntymäki M. (2023). The institutional logics underpinning organizational AI governance practices. Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems. Link to publication

Mäntymäki M., Minkkinen M., Zimmer M. and Viljanen M. (2023). Designing an AI governance framework: From research-based premises to meta-requirements. ECIS 2023 Research Paper. 295. Link to publication

Birkstedt T., Minkkinen M., Tandon A. and Mäntymäki M. (2023). AI governance: themes, knowledge gaps and future agendas. Internet Research, Vol. 33 No. 7, pp 133-167. Link to publication

Minkkinen M. and Mäntymäki M. (2023). Discerning Between the “Easy” and “Hard” Problems of AI Governance. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, doi: 10.1109/TTS.2023.3267382.
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Minkkinen M. and the AIGA project consortium. (2023). Roadmap to competitive and socially responsible artificial intelligence.In: Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Series E-1:2023, Turku 2023.
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Laato S., Birkstedt T., Mikkonen T. & Mäntymäki M. (2022) Introducing AI Governance to the Software Development Life Cycle:   Insights on Responsible Machine Learning Engineering. In Proceedings of CAIN’22. IEEE. In press.

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 Laato S., Tiainen M., Islam A.K.M N.. & Mäntymäki M. (2022) How to explain AI systems to end users: a systematic literature review and research agenda. Internet Research 32: 1-31.

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Laato S., Mäntymäki M., Islam A.K.N., Hyrynsalmi S. & Birkstedt T. (2022) Trends and Trajectories in the Software Industry: implications for the future of work. Information Systems Frontiers.

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Laato S., Mäntymäki M., Minkkinen M., Birkstedt T.,  Islam A.K.M. N. & Dennehy D. (2022) Integrating Machine Learning with Software Development Lifecycles: Insights from Experts. ECIS 2022 Research Papers. 118.

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Laine J., Zimmer M.P., Minkkinen M., Salmela H. & Mäntymäki M. (2022) Clustering Design Science Research Based on the Nature of the Designed Artifact. In: Papagiannidis S., Alamanos E., Gupta S., Dwivedi Y.K., Mäntymäki M. & Pappas, I.O. (eds) The Role of Digital Technologies in Shaping the Post-Pandemic World. I3E 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13454. Springer, Cham.

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Minkkinen M., Laine J. & Mäntymäki M. (2022) Continuous Auditing of Artificial Intelligence: a Conceptualization and Assessment of Tools and Frameworks. Digital Society 1, 21.

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Minkkinen M., Zimmer M.P. & Mäntymäki M. (2022) Co-Shaping an Ecosystem for Responsible AI: Five Types of Expectation Work in Response to a Technological Frame. Information Systems Frontiers.

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Minkkinen M., Niukkanen A. & Mäntymäki, M. (2022) What about investors? ESG analyses as tools for ethics-based AI auditing. AI & Society.

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Mäntymäki M., Minkkinen M., Birkstedt T. & Viljanen M. (2022) Putting AI Ethics into Practice: The Hourglass Model of Organizational AI Governance.

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Mäntymäki M., Minkkinen M., Birkstedt T. & VIljanen M. (2022). Defining organizational AI governance. AI Ethics.

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Tandon A., Dhir A. & Mäntymäki M. (2021) Jealousy due to social media? A systematic literature review and framework of social media-induced jealousy. Internet Research 31:1541-1582. doi: 10.1108/INTR-02-2020-0103.

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Laato S., Mäntymäki M., Birkstedt T., Islam N. & Hyrynsalmi S. (2021) Digital Transformation of Software Development: Implications for Future Work.  In: Dennehy D., Griva A., Pouloudi N., Dwivedi Y.K., Pappas I. & Mäntymäki M. (eds) Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society. I3E 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12896. Springer, Cham. 

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Minkkinen M., Zimmer M. & Mäntymäki M. (2021) Towards Ecosystems for Responsible AI: Expectations on Sociotechnical Systems, Agendas, and Networks in EU Documents.  In: Dennehy D., Griva A., Pouloudi N., Dwivedi Y.K., Pappas I. & Mäntymäki M. (eds) Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society. I3E 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12896. Springer, Cham.

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Seppälä A., Birkstedt T., & Mäntymäki M. (2021) From Ethical AI Principles to Governed AI. . ICIS 2021 Proceedings. 10.

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Alshahrani A., Dennehy D., & Mäntymäki M. (2021) An attention-based view of AI assimilation in public sector organizations: The case of Saudi Arabia. Government Information Quarterly, 101617.

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Laato, S., Rauti, S., Islam, A. N., & Sutinen, E. (2021) “Why playing augmented reality games feels meaningful to players? The roles of imagination and social experience”. Computers in Human Behavior, 121, 106816.

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Haque A. B., Islam A. N., Hyrynsalmi S., Naqvi B., & Smolander K. (2021) “GDPR compliant Blockchains–A systematic literature review”. IEEE Access Vol, 9, pp. 50593-50606.

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Dhir A., Talwar S., Kaur P., Budhiraja S. & Islam N. (2021) The dark side of social media: Stalking, online self‐disclosure and problematic sleep. International Journal of Consumer Studies 00: 1-19.

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Tandon A., Kaur P., Mäntymäki M., Dhir A. (2021) Blockchain applications in management: A bibliometric analysis and literature review. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 166, 120649.

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Tandon A., Dhir A., Almugren I., Alnemer G.N., Mäntymäki M. (2021) Fear of missing out (FoMO) among social media users: a systematic literature review, synthesis and framework for future research. Internet Research.

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Laato S., Islam A. N. & Laine T. H. (2020) Did location-based games motivate players to socialize during COVID-19?. Telematics and Informatics, 54, 101458.

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Islam A. N., Laato S., Talukder S., & Sutinen E. (2020) Misinformation sharing and social media fatigue during COVID-19: An affordance and cognitive load perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 159, 120201.

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Islam I., Munim K. M., Oishwee S. J., Islam A. N. & Islam M. N. (2020) A critical review of concepts, benefits, and pitfalls of blockchain technology using concept map. IEEE Access, 8, 68333-68341.

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Minkkinen M. (2020). Theories in futures studies: examining the theory base of the futures field in light of survey results. World Futures Review, 12: 12-25.

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Tandon A., Kaur P., Dhir A. & Mäntymäki M. (2020) Sleepless due to social media? Investigating problematic sleep due to social media and social media sleep hygiene. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 113.

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Tandon A., Dhir A., Islam A. N. & Mäntymäki M. (2020) Blockchain in healthcare: A systematic literature review, synthesizing framework and future research agenda. Computers in Industry, Vol. 122, 103290

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Laato S., Islam A.K.N. & Islam M.N. (2020) What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic? European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 29.

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Mäntymäki M., Wirén M. & Islam A.K.N. (2020) Exploring the Disruptiveness of Cryptocurrencies: Causal layered Analysis-based Approach. Part of the lecture notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12066).

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Whelan E., Islam A.K.M.N. & Brooks S. (2020) Applying the SOBC paradigm to explain how social media overload affects academic performance. Computers & Education, Vol. 143, 103692.

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Khanra S., Dhir A., & Mäntymäki M. (2020) Big data analytics and enterprises: a bibliometric synthesis of the literature. Enterprise Information Systems, 14:6, 737-768.

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Islam A. N., Cenfetelli R. & Benbasat I. (2020) Organizational buyers’ assimilation of B2B platforms: Effects of IT-enabled service functionality. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 29:1, 101597.

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Whelan E., Islam A. N. & Brooks S. (2020) Is boredom proneness related to social media overload and fatigue? A stress–strain–outcome approach. Internet Research.

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Minkkinen M. (2019) The anatomy of plausible futures in policy processes: Comparing the cases of data protection and comprehensive security. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 143, 172-180.

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Minkkinen M., Auffermann B. & Ahokas I. (2019) Six foresight frames: Classifying policy foresight processes in foresight systems according to perceived unpredictability and pursued change. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 149, 119753.

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Minkkinen M. (2019) Making the future by using the future: A study on influencing privacy protection rules through anticipatory storylines. New Media & Society, 21(4), 984-1005.

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Dhir A., Kaur P., Chen S. & Pallesen S. (2019) Antecedents and consequences of social media fatigue. International Journal of Information Management. 48: 193-202.

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Mäntymäki M., Islam A.K.M.N. & Benbasat I. (2019) What drives subscribing to premium in freemium services? A consumer value‐based view of differences between upgrading to and staying with premium. Information Systems Journal 2019, pp. 1–39

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Mäntymäki M., Baiyere A. & Islam A.K.M. Najmul (2019) Digital platforms and the changing nature of physical work: Insights from ride-hailing. International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 49, pp. 452-460.

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Islam A., Mäntymäki M. & Benbasat I. (2019) Duality of self-promotion on social networking sites. Information Technology & People, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 269-296.

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Islam A., Mäntymäki M. and Kefi H. (2019) Decomposing social networking site regret: a uses and gratifications approach. Information Technology & People, ahead of print.

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Mäntymäki M., Hyrynsalmi S. & Koskenvoima A. (2019) How Do Small and Medium-Sized Game Companies Use Analytics? An Attention-Based View of Game Analytics. Information Systems Frontiers 2019, pp. 1-16.

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 Islam A.K.M.N., Mäntymäki M. & Turunen M. (2019) Understanding the Role of Actor Heterogeneity in Blockchain Splits: An Actor-Network Perspective of Bitcoin Forks. A part of the book Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 4595-4604

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Islam A.K.M. N., Mäntymäki M., Baur A.W. & Bick M. (2018) Investigating Dual Effects of Social Networking Sites. In: Al-Sharhan S. et al. (eds) Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Era. I3E 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11195. pp. 81-101. Springer, Cham

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Pacauskas D., Rajala R., Westerlund M., Mäntymäki M. (2018) Harnessing user innovation for social media marketing: Case study of a crowdsourced hamburger. International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 43, pp. 319-327

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Mäntymäki M., Salmela H. & Turunen M. (2018) “Do Business Ecosystems Differ from Other Business Networks? The Case of an Emerging Business Ecosystem for Digital Real-Estate and Facility Services”. In: Al-Sharhan S. et al. (eds) Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Era. I3E 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11195, pp. 102-116. Springer, Cham

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Turunen M. & Mäntymäki M. (2018) Collective consciousness in business ecosystems. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software-intensive Business: Start-ups, Ecosystems and Platforms (SiBW 2018), Espoo, Finland, December 3, 2018; ed. by Sami Hyrynsalmi, Arho Suominen, Christopher Jud, Xiaofeng Wang, Jan Bosch, Jürgen Münch

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Dhir A., Torsheim T., Pallesen S. & Andreassen C.S. (2017) Do online privacy concerns predict selfie behavior among adolescents, young adults and adults? Frontiers in Psychology. 8:815: 1-12.

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Mäntymäki M. & Salmela H. (2017) In Search for the Core of the Business Ecosystem Concept : A Conceptual comparison of business ecosystem, industry, cluster, and inter organizational network. IWSECO 2017, International Workshop on Software Ecosystems, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Software Ecosystems, pp. 103-113. Espoo, Finland, November 29, 2017

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Hyrynsalmi S., Mäntymäki M. & Baur A.W. (2017) Multi-homing and Software Firm Performance. In: Kar A. et al. (eds) Digital Nations – Smart Cities, Innovation, and Sustainability. I3E 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10595. Springer, Cham

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Islam A. K. M. N., Mäntymäki M. & Bhattacherjee A. (2017) Towards a decomposed expectation confirmation model of it continuance: the role of usability. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 40(1), 23.

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Mäntymäki M. & Riemer K. (2016) Enterprise social networking: A knowledge management perspective. International Journal of Information Management, Volume 36, Issue 6, Part A, December 2016, Pages 1042-1052

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Hyrynsalmi S., Suominen A. & Mäntymäki M. (2016) The influence of developer multi-homing on competition between software ecosystems. Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 111, pp. 119-127

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Mäntymäki M. & Islam, A.K.M.N. (2016) The Janus Face of Facebook: Positive and negative Sides of Social Networking Site Use. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 61, pp. 14-26

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Islam A. N. (2016). E-learning system use and its outcomes: Moderating role of perceived compatibility. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 48-55.

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Mäntymäki M. & Islam A.K.M.N. (2015) Gratifications from using freemium music streaming services: Differences between basic and premium users. International Confererence on Information Systems 2015, At Fort Worth, Texas

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Hyrynsalmi S., Suominen A. & Mäntymäki M. (2015) The Role of Developer Multi-homing and Keystone Developers in Mobile Ecosystem Competition. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2015, No. 1

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Mäntymäki M. & Salo J. (2015) Why do teens spend real money in virtual worlds? A consumption values and developmental psychology perspective on virtual consumption. International Journal of Information Management, 35(1): 124-134

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Dhir A., Chen S. & Nieminen M. (2015) Psychometric validation of internet addiction test with Indian adolescents. Journal of educational computing research, 53(1), 15-31.

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Mäntymäki M. & Riemer K. (2014) Digital natives in social virtual worlds: A multi-method study of gratifications and social influences in Habbo Hotel. International Journal of Information Management, 34(2): 210-220.

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Mäntymäki M. & Islam A.K.M.N. (2014) Voyeurism and Exhibitionism as Gratifications from Prosuming Facebook. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), At Tel Aviv, Israel

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Mäntymäki M. & Riemer K. (2014) Information, Ideas and Input: The Value of Enterprise Social Networks. 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Dec 8-10, 2014, At Auckland, New Zealand

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Islam A.K.M.N., Azad N., Mäntymäki M. & Islam S.M.S. (2014) TAM and E-learning Adoption: A Philosophical Scrutiny of TAM, Its Limitations, and Prescriptions for E-learning Adoption Research. In: Li H., Mäntymäki M., Zhang X. (eds) Digital Services and Information Intelligence. I3E 2014. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 445. pp. 164-175. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

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Islam A. N. (2014). Sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with a learning management system in post-adoption stage: A critical incident technique approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 249-261.

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Mäntymäki M. & Salo J. (2013) “Purchasing behavior in social virtual worlds: An examination of Habbo Hotel”. International Journal of Information Management, 33(2), 282-290.nt, 34(2), 210-220.

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Islam A.K.M.N & Mäntymäki M. (2012) Continuance of professional social networking sites: A decomposed expectation-confirmation approach. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2012)

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Mäntymäki M. & Riemer K. (2011) How Social Are Social Virtual Worlds? An Investigation Of Hedonic, Utilitarian, Social And Normative Usage Drivers. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2011, Quality Research in Pacific Asia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7-11 July 2011

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Mäntymäki M. & Salo J. (2011) Teenagers in social virtual worlds: Continuous use and purchasing behavior in Habbo Hotel. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(6): 2088-2097

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A list of recently published theses.

The management of artificial intelligence systems through their lifecycle : a systematic literature review
Jesse Honkonen, University of Turku, Information Systems Science

Ethics-based AI auditing core drivers and dimensions: A systematic literature review
Joakim Laine, University of Turku, Information Systems Science

Taking the responsible use of AI into account in ESG analyses
Anniina Niukkanen, University of Turku, Information Systems Science

ART of AI governance: Pro-ethical conditions driving ethical governance
Anttoni Niemenmaa, University of Turku, Information Systems Science

Operationalizing Transparency and Explainability in Artificial Intelligence through Standardization
Panu Tamminen, University of Turku, Information Systems Science

To whom to explain and what? Systematic literature review on empirical studies on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
Miika Tiainen, University of Turku, Information Systems Science

Implementing Ethical AI: From Principles to AI Governance
Akseli Seppälä, University of Turku, Information Systems Science