Understanding the developmental trajectories of big data analytics (BDA) in the corporate context is highly relevant for information systems research and practice. In our paper published in Enterprise Information Systems we have tried to provide a helicopter view of the topic. We present a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of applications of big data analytics in enterprises. The sample for this study contained a total of 1727 articles from the Scopus database. The sample was analyzed with techniques such as bibliographic coupling, citation analysis, co-word analysis, and co-authorship analysis. Findings from the co-citation analysis identified four major thematic areas in the extant literature. The evolution of these thematic areas was documented with dynamic co-citation analysis.
The key take-aways are:
– Applications of big data analytics is a mature concept in enterprise information systems.
– Researchers are now focusing less on analysing broad trends in the applications of big data analytics.
– Applications of big data analytics within a domain, such as supply chain management, are increasingly appealing researchers.
– This study systematically documents key inputs from big data analytics in strategic decision making.
The Lambda framework presented in the paper (see also below) sums it all up.
For more information, access the full paper from here.
Bibliometric information: Khanra, S., Dhir, A., & Mäntymäki, M. (2020). Big data analytics and enterprises: a bibliometric synthesis of the literature. Enterprise Information Systems, 1-32.